Le blogouille de Caro et Nico

Entre famille, sport et aventures !

Étiquette dans security

HTTPs armoring

So Mozilla is offering a nifty HTTPs testing tool at https://observatory.mozilla.org/ 

After I tried that, had to fix a few things :). D- rating (ouch !)

HTTP Strict Transport Security

First enable the header module with command line :

a2enmod headers

Then edit the vhosts files into the /etc/apache2/sites-available by adding the header entry (right below the VirtualHost entry)

Header add Strict-Transport-Security: « max-age=31536000;includeSubdomains »

And restart Apache 2 with :

systemctl restart apache2

And then check if nothing is wrong in the startup by looking into the log file for the daemon at :

less /var/log/daemon.log

Implement HTTP Headers

Install the WordPress extension HTTP Headers from Dimitar Ivanov. In the security options, turn ON the following restrictions :

X-Frame-Options DENY
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff

And rescan….

That is how you end up with a A+ Rating.

(Don’t celebrate too much, my website rolled down from A to D- in…. 11 months between November 2016 to November 2017… looks like a fight to keep up and have a recheck every 6 months !).