Le blogouille de Caro et Nico

Entre famille, sport et aventures !

Catégorie dans Informatique / Computers

Fix Windows Search Engine issues in Outlook

For fixing Calendar entries still missing / Search returning 0 results in Outlook Search, despite search index being rebuilt and Outlook data selected as pool of data for search source, go with a pass of deinstalling/reboot/reinstallating the feature.

That is :

DISM /online /disable-feature /featurename:SearchEngine-Client-Package


DISM /online /enable-feature /featurename:SearchEngine-Client-Package


After the restart, go to the control panel / Indexing options / advanced / Rebuild / OK
When the Indexing is completed, close Indexing Options window and open Outlook, test searching.

Repair a failing boot disk (constant repair mode)

Boot from a Windows 10 Install Media (USB disk)

Select Next on language/region

Select Repair PC option on bottom left

Select Troubleshoot

Boot a command prompt

run diskpart

list disk to identify the internal hard disk

select disk # to select the proper disk

list the disk volumes – list vol

Identify the EFI hidden volume # number (Hidden, kind of 512Mb, could be formatted FAT32)

Selection this EFI hidden volume : select vol #

Assign a drive letter : assign letter=n:


browse from command line to this EFI drive letter N:

Repair the BCD boot : bcdboot C:\windows /s n: /f UEFI

Repair the MBR : bootrec /fixmbr

Reboot the machine

Rename User folder on next reboot

Getting an access denied, even as admin or system account on a (corrupted) user folder you want to be renamed ? Well you can fix that on the next reboot, with the following trick

Navigate as an admin to the registry key located at :

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

Create a multiSZ named « PendingFileRenameOperations » (or edit the existing one and add two more lines). The two lines are (and hit enter for a final empty line, so total 3 lines:


Save that multiSZ and reboot, the folder will be renamed on next reboot.

Désinstaller définitivement SilverLight sur Windows Server

Première étape, désactiver la tâche d’évaluation de santé de Configuration Manager dans (si plus besoin de CCM sur Serveur), sinon, il se réinstalle tout seul !

« Task Scheduler Library / Microsoft / configuration Manager / Configuration Manager Health Evaluation ».

Ou sinon éditer le fichier ccmeval.xml et enlever cette condition de prérequis.

Désinstaller SilverLight depuis le panneau de commande / applications. Si pas disponible, passer en ligne de commande elevée, et lancer la commande :

wmic product where caption='Microsoft Silverlight' call uninstall