Le blogouille de Caro et Nico

Entre famille, sport et aventures !

Archive dans 6 juillet 2023

Repair a failing boot disk (constant repair mode)

Boot from a Windows 10 Install Media (USB disk)

Select Next on language/region

Select Repair PC option on bottom left

Select Troubleshoot

Boot a command prompt

run diskpart

list disk to identify the internal hard disk

select disk # to select the proper disk

list the disk volumes – list vol

Identify the EFI hidden volume # number (Hidden, kind of 512Mb, could be formatted FAT32)

Selection this EFI hidden volume : select vol #

Assign a drive letter : assign letter=n:


browse from command line to this EFI drive letter N:

Repair the BCD boot : bcdboot C:\windows /s n: /f UEFI

Repair the MBR : bootrec /fixmbr

Reboot the machine

Rename User folder on next reboot

Getting an access denied, even as admin or system account on a (corrupted) user folder you want to be renamed ? Well you can fix that on the next reboot, with the following trick

Navigate as an admin to the registry key located at :

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

Create a multiSZ named « PendingFileRenameOperations » (or edit the existing one and add two more lines). The two lines are (and hit enter for a final empty line, so total 3 lines:


Save that multiSZ and reboot, the folder will be renamed on next reboot.